The last couple of days have been pretty amazing for the Jesus Pen team. The verses that come to mind when I think about these days are Isaiah 55:8-9:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

and Ephesians 3:20:

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations.”

Once again, God has surpassed all of our plans and expectations for Jesus Pens. In the beginning, Emma just wanted some pens to hand out and leave around our small town, but God made it clear to us that our vision should be greater. There was a greater mission for Jesus Pens than we had imagined, so we began to walk that new path in obedience. As a result, we have 2,500 pens and a lovely website geared to support evangelism and discipleship.

In the back of our minds, we hoped that Jesus Pens would one day be global, but while we know that “all things are possible with God,” this hope seemed very far away and somewhat unlikely. Then yesterday happened! First, we received an email from our “Contact Us” link on the website from a gentleman in India. His brief email said, “Please let us know how we can have this in India and the Middle East.” We were over the moon excited, but had some questions that needed to be answered. Then, we found out our website had visitors from the Philippines, United Kingdom, India, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, Albania, France and the United Arab Emirates. This morning we received an order of pens from the UK. Also, I learned that a friend had sent along some Jesus Pens with her daughter on a mission to trip Peru. Overnight, Jesus Pens had gone global! We just can’t praise God enough for what He is doing! There is no doubt that this is the work and favor of the Lord. So, if you have been praying for us, we want you to know that God has heard your prayers!

Now, let me get back to the gentleman in India. He is the real reason for this update. We were concerned that our English language pens wouldn’t be what he needed and we were concerned about shipping costs to India and if our website was equipped to take a payment from India. We received a prompt reply. He said pens in English would be fine because there where thousands of unreached students across India and the Middle East that speak the language, but he had no money to purchase pens. Our hearts broke!

So, We would like to start a full-fledged campaign to get as many Jesus Pens into India and the Middle East as we can. Please, purchase a pen or two for India.

For every single pen that someone purchases for India, Jesus Pens will match that purchase pen for pen. So, your $2 per pen investment will yield two pens instead!

While you’re at it, buy a pen or two for yourself. The shipping costs that are automatically included in the cost of the pen will help us out financially when the time comes to make our shipment to India. If you cannot purchase a pen for India, please, please pray for Jesus Pens and the people who will receive them. Please pray for the Lord to begin, even now, preparing hearts to receive the good news of Jesus Christ.